Pet Sitting (Visits)
For all creatures, great and small! Whether it’s dogs, cats, bunnies, guinea pigs, birds, reptiles, or a mix of all, our pet sitters will give them the love and attention they deserve in the comfort of their own home.
All visits include feeding, medication, refilling water, bathroom breaks, dog walks, playtime/enrichment, and more. In addition to pet care, we can handle your trash, mail, and plant care.
Any species, anything you need! We can handle most requests, including difficult animals and advanced medication administration.
GPS Mapped
Photo Updates

Typically for a dog or mixed-pet home, visits are performed 3-4 times per day centered around breakfast, midday, dinner, and bedtime. Cat visits are typically performed once or twice daily, and occasionally every other day.
Pet visits are available in time increments of 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes. A 15 minute visit includes a quick potty break, and all other visit lengths where there is a dog in the household include a walk that can be as long as half of the visit duration. The remaining time is spent feeding pets, refilling water bowls, and other pet and home maintenance. We will make sure your dogs get a last potty break before we leave.
Photos and updates are sent with every visit, and a GPS map of the walk is given if is one occurs.